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Arsenal Vs. Southampton 15 sep. 2012

Djerrie , eddie an Thomas

The Docter

Djerrie and Thomas

with some English gooners

Thomas nd Djerrie
Infront of the many booths with Arsenal merchandise

Djerrie and Thomas

Thomas Stavnbo
Happy Gooner

View over the Emirates Stadium

Vikings Dinner
Thomas and Djerrie with the sweet waitress

The 3 Vikings

The Docter

Great Tattoo

Lunch at the Emirates Stadium

Infront of the king

After the match
6-1 to the gunners

Vikings at te stadium

Henry got a helmet to

Gooners lunch

Home at last

Djerrie infont of Emirates stadium

Wait up guys

6-1!!!!! We bagged that easy i say...coyg

Docter and Stavnbo

This young man to the right, took the trip from argentina without a ticket.He hope to get one at the stadium...RESPECT

Warm up

Getting ready to the match

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